I like how easy it is to create patterns in Beatbox 2 but I don't want to use the same pattern for the whoie song. How can I either write patterns to a track or switch patterns inside Beatbox 2 during a song?
Simply create separate Beatbox objects on the same or different tracks, and change the beat of the object. Stretch or reduce the length of the object as you wish.
See below. I have created 3 objects by dragging the Beatbox synth onto the track and then reducing the length. In turn, double-click on the object, change the beat, close the instrument. Go to the next one, do the same. You can copy any objects that you want to repeat and paste them at the appropriate location. I changed the name of the 3 objects by changing the properties - Ctrl+P and changing the Object name.
Thanks for the quick response. When I think about it, that's certainly the obvious solution from an object-oriented approach, but it didn't occur to me for some reason. Which is pretty sad, since I come from an object-oriented world dealing with programming languages! I just purchased it last night, tho, so I guess I can always use that as an excuse temporarily.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. Otherwise I would have been plugging along the hard way for at least a little while longer. Time to make some music!