Samplitude Pro X4 Suite to X5 Free Upgrade

Vinod-KumarP wrote on 4/24/2020, 2:38 AM


I bought Samplitude Pro X4 Suite and it was the mentioned I would get free upgrade to Samplitude Pro X5 Suite, now that it has got released with new additional tool Exclusively in the Suite version.

But now that X5 is released and I never got any email to upgrade. Contacted support no response so far :-(

Please guide me.



Michael-Fields wrote on 4/27/2020, 10:29 PM

Same here. I even emailed support last week, and haven't heard anything yet. X5 looks sweet. Sure hope they honor their advertisement of a free upgrade.

Michael-Fields wrote on 5/30/2020, 2:27 PM

It took a few weeks, but I finally received a reply from support and all is well. If you have not submitted a support ticket, I would as soon as possible. This corona stuff has every business in the world delayed in some form or fashion.