Robota mango_bow wrote on 4/1/2014, 4:01 AM Hi, still very new at this, when I try to open Robota a box comes up in center of screen saying "ini file not found" Then I press ok and have to go to task manager and shut the program down as it it not responding. Any ideas please MMM 2014 John Back to post
Comments CoolSpot2 wrote on 4/1/2014, 3:00 PM Does this happen with the other synth ? I think thats a pathing issue . DId you mess with location in any way ? Did you relocate the MMM ? Maybe you can delet Robota directly from MMM folder and reinstall the package . mango_bow wrote on 4/1/2014, 3:09 PM No I haven't changed anything, but will give a delete and reinstall a go Thanks for the advice CoolSpot2 wrote on 4/1/2014, 11:38 PM No I haven't changed anything, but will give a delete and reinstall a go Thanks for the advice I had something similar because i didn't install the entire package so files were missing so hopefully it works . Also if you relocate MMM when you install it your packages might be saved in a wrong place . 1