Refund request .(Vegas Pro)

Hyeonah-Choi wrote on 6/3/2020, 4:39 PM

I sent you an email for a return after buying vegas pro last December. I bought it on vegas from here on 12/17/2019. I send mail about a refund on 12/18/2019   I'm keeping all the emails with your guys. 

I clearly expressed my desire to return to the program was not running on my laptop, and I only heard a few protest emails and a message that your guys busy when I called to you. 

And when I sent the mail again in January, I got a reply that seemed like a robot. 

I was busy with work and forgot for a month, but I saw the money still coming out of my credit card statement and I emailed and called today.

What should I do if I use both the phone number and e-mail to return the product when I buy it and there is no response?

I don't even want to get the money back, so could you please stop taking it from my card? 

I've never used a program. 
Because it doesn't work on my computer. 

I'm so tired of this.





ericlnz wrote on 6/3/2020, 6:12 PM

Vegas products have their own forum. Please refer to the Important Posts at the top of this forum page for direction to the Vegas forum.

But neither this forum nor the Vegas forum can help you as they are user forums. Your problem needs to be taken up direct with Magix. Obviously you have but got nowhere, which is surprising as my impression is that refunds get attended to quickly.