Red time marker quit working

mslynny23 wrote on 1/30/2014, 8:31 PM

I'm using the demo and want to buy the full version but want to make sure this is going to work.

The red time marker doesn't move and the clock doesn't move. The song plays but nothing moves with it.

It did move the first couple of days that I used it.


I'm using Windows 8..not the touch.

The demo is Magix Music Maker soundtrack edition.

Can you assure me that it will work with the full version?


Thank you.


Former user wrote on 1/31/2014, 6:58 PM

Well....I will tell you this.....I have used several different Magix programs for the past 7 years....Music Makers, Samplitudes, Music Studio, and Audio cleaner....any "problems" that I have personally encountered were due to wrong assumptions on my part, not reading the PDF help files, not fully watching the video tutorials for undersanding,

not usng the right click button at times and sometimes jsut overwhelmed ay all this stuff is capable of, or forgetting what I was trying to do in the first place and getting distracted by some new VST or synth and wondering whaat it can do.  The support people have always answered me....I do/did register my purchases....I do check for patches from MS and Magix and download ones that apply.  I visit the Community forum almost daily and read the postings to see if I can learn something that I may need in the future.  I also run 2 monitors and have the Help PDF files on one of them for the Magix program that I am runnin on the other....and no, I'm not anal...I want to fix it myself...its that guy thing....and having the PDF files open, i run across lots of good tips and clues.  I feel that you can buy your product and feel rather secure that it will work for you....a word of caution,,,,this can become almost aan addiction, Making Music was never can become a one man band...or woman     

Procyon wrote on 1/31/2014, 9:49 PM

None of us work for MAGIX, and unfortunately, even they can't make any promises.  Having the red play marker stop moving happens to users on a fairly regular basis.  There's no way to predict it.  It could be caused by MMM or by Windows.  So far, I yet to read any definitive explanation as to why it happens or how to fix it.  I've never had the problem, but you never know if, or when, it may happen.

mslynny23 wrote on 2/1/2014, 6:08 PM

Procyon and gnarly,thank you for your responses. This is my first time with Magix. But I've been involved with music creation for a long time. I have SonyAcidPro7 installed on my pc now. That's what I've always used. I was just looking for something different to mess around with for a  change. Magix looks like what I've been looking for.

I appreciate the time you took in answering my question. I'll find the email address for who I should contact for maybe an answer and a fix. As you can understand, I don't want to purchase it with a problem like this.

Thanks again and happy music making.
