Recordings just stop - CPU/Hard drive Overload

pijus-b wrote on 7/4/2024, 10:20 AM

Hi all,

We are facing an issue with hardware and sequoia for broadcast recordings. Main issues, then we are having more then 64 channel recordings, they just stop out of nowhere with CPU/Harddrive overload. Tho we are ussing Xeon e5-1620 with 64 gb ram and task manager show max 40% load.

We are using RME HDSPe MADI FX (driver version - cards on hp z440 workstation machines with mention CPU/Ram above, GPU nvidia quadro k620. And its just random stop.

all drives are ssd + nvme, swaped in spring. Then we are doing max 64 channels everything is fine, but just we go few over the top, we are dealing with issues.

Maybe someone has some ideas?