Recording stops before completion of process

Bob-Wearing wrote on 1/28/2022, 7:30 AM

Over the years I have used several audio recording applications from Magix and successfully digitised over 100 vinyls without a hitch using my Hi Fi system (Michel Orbe being the record deck) connected to my Pavilion laptop (4GB of memory through the USB slot. I recently installed Sound Forge 4 on the laptop and after a few minutes and before the end of the music the recording stops with a message asking is the Recording OK? The same message also appeared when I reused Audio Cleaning Lab-.Your advice on whet might be causing this error would be appreciated


SP. wrote on 1/28/2022, 7:51 AM

@Bob-Wearing There is an option in the recording settings that it will stop automatically after some seconds of silence. Could this be the cause of your problem?

rraud wrote on 1/28/2022, 10:55 AM

Sound Forge 4 ???.. I have not tried Sound Forge 4 on a Win 10 PC. That could be a problem.. I did try SF-4.5 on a Vista PC a few yeas ago which worked normally in my tests (and I always liked the color toolbar icons). Sonic Foundry's Sound Forge 4 is a dinosaur which did not even have real-time preview. Nor did it support VST plug-ins which was introduced in SF-7. (though there was a third-party VST translater that worked in SF-6).

In any case, you are due for an upgrade @Bob-Wearing . AFAIK, all of the old serials can still be used to get the upgrade discount from Magix though.

SP. wrote on 1/28/2022, 11:56 AM

@rraud I think the software is SF Audio Cleaning Lab 4.

rraud wrote on 1/28/2022, 12:10 PM

Could be @SP., thanks for the insight.
If that is the case, there is a specific forum for SF ACL. @Bob-Wearing

Bob-Wearing wrote on 1/29/2022, 10:13 AM

@Bob-Wearing There is an option in the recording settings that it will stop automatically after some seconds of silence. Could this be the cause of your problem?

Thank you for exposing my stupidity! Yes this was the problem.I thought the problem was something more fundamental like a lack of memory or a defective sound card rather than something simple as a box that was ticked!