Recognising a pick up measure.

kate-h79 wrote on 5/29/2014, 9:14 AM

I'm using Musescore to create .ogg files.  (I started off creating .mid files, then found Magix won't recognise them.  I've posted a separate question about that.)

Some of my compositions have pick up measures, where the actual beats in the first bar might be one, in a time signature of 4/4.  However, when using the .ogg file in Music Maker, it fills the first bar in with rests.  That wouldn't be too bad if it put the rests in front of the one beat, but it puts them after it, created a gap in the music that shouldn't be there.

Any tips?




Procyon wrote on 5/29/2014, 9:13 PM

So, you're saying Musescore created a file where the pick-up note is the first note in the first measure rather than the last?  That doesn't seem quite right does it?  Anyway...

The simplest method to accomplish what you want would be to create a split at the beginning of the second measure.  This cuts your ogg file into two separate pieces (not the actual file but the "'object" in the arranger).

Now you can use the edit handles to remove the "rests" leaving only the pick-up note, which can then be moved in front of the beginning of the secord measure.

Or...if the pick-up note needs to ring out for more than one beat, drop it down to the next track without editing it and move it to where it needs to be.

kate-h79 wrote on 6/20/2014, 1:09 PM

No, Musescore creates the file just fine.  It's when I put it into Music maker that the pick up measure goes wrong.