I've been using VG 21 since I bought it about a year or plus ago. I've been working with Vegas since version 6.0, 20 years ago. Version 21 was working well till this last Monday. This last Monday there was a 2 seconds power outage at my home while I was terminating a 60 minute project. Like I told you it was a very short 2 seconds that stopped the app. from working. After the electricity came back, I loaded my VP app. and loaded my saved project. As soon as it was ready to appear on the screen, the ''Vegas has stopped working'' Window appeared. I pressed on do not send, retried to load it again with the same result. I tried to load the same project from another saved source with the same result...at that point I did complete the info asked on that Window with my email address and did send it to you, with no feedback till today.
So I decided that I had to redo that project that I had promised a friend with many photos and clips from a recent trip in Brazil. I gave it the same saved name with the added -1 at the end of the file to distinguish it from the previous file. So to make a long story short, I did save my second edition project to two locations. Never had problems in loading that project since I created it yesterday morning.
This morning I started to add music to my project. Saved it on both locations and left for 30 minutes. Coming to my desk, I loaded the app and the project, and guess what...I cannot load either saved project because I'm getting the ''Vegas has stopped working'' Window again...
This is not over. I just, for the third time, created the a ''test project'' with a completely different saved name and just the images of the project about 50 of 400. After, I reinstalled a fresh copy of Vegas Pro build 208 and loaded the file...The ''Window'' appeared again...I don't get it...I'm out of means, I decided not to include the.mov files because I know that Vegas dislikes those files; just a few image files and it freaks out...beyond my understanding.
A lot of hours are probably lost again...what's wrong...help will be more than appreciated.