I've posted this previously but did not get a response and the bugs were not fixed in the latest version. This bug is a carryover from Sony versions and is still present in the latest version of 8. Posting again in its own thread to give greater visibility.
Place two events at the start of separate tracks in a new project.
Group the events.
Trim the beginning of an event in the group by dragging its start. The other event in the group suddenly become maybe 200 times longer (this will happen to all other events in the group if you have more than two grouped).
Trimming the beginning of a grouped event trims the beginning of all aligned grouped events. Trimming the end of a grouped event has no effect on other aligned grouped events.
Splitting grouped events works but all events beyond the split point become ungrouped necessitating regrouping them. In terms of workflow these newly created events should be part of their own new group.
I deal with a lot of multitrack drums so this is a killer for me.