diegomsrtv wrote on 4/23/2022, 8:13 AM


I'm a Sound Forge Audio Studio 15 user and I've been having issues since the last software update.
Every time I open the program, an update screen opens and when I click on "Start Installation" the window simply disappears without any apparent effect.
This happens EVERY TIME I open Sound Forge.

Another problem...
I record commercials for radio and TV and therefore I need to use the tempo adjustment in almost all of my recordings...
But the "Elastique Time Stretch" feature has been having issues since the last update as well.
Before I just selected the time I wanted and gave OK, now I need to click on "preview" then I select the time and I have to click on preview again and only after that I can click OK and have my recording adjusted.

These two recurring errors have been a major productivity problem.

How to solve?

(Sorry for any possible spelling mistakes, I'm using the automatic translation feature to request this help from you. Thank you)



Eu sou um usuário do Sound Forge Audio Studio 15 e estou com problemas desde a última atualização do software.
Toda vez que eu abro o programa, abre uma tela de atualização que ao clicar em "Start Installation" a janela simplesmente some sem nenhum efeito aparente.
Isso acontece TODAS AS VEZES que eu abro o Sound Forge.

Outro problema...
Eu faço gravações de locuções publicitárias para rádio e TV e portanto preciso usar o ajuste de tempo em quase todas as minhas gravações...
Porém o recurso "Elastique Time Stretch" tem apresentado problemas desde a última atualização também.
Antes eu só selecionava o tempo que eu queria e dava o OK, agora eu preciso clicar em "preview" depois seleciono o tempo e tenho que clicar em preview novamente para somente depois disso conseguir clicar em OK e ter minha gravação ajustada.

Esses dois erros recorrentes têm sido um grande problema de produtividade.

Como resolver?

(Desculpem por algum possível erro de escrita, estou usando o recurso de tradução automatica para solicitar essa ajuda a vocês. Obrigado)



rraud wrote on 4/23/2022, 10:15 AM

Hi @diegomsrtv the 'update wizard' does not always work like it is supposed to.. Try again, or..
Log in to the "Magix Service Center> My Products" (or the Magix Download Center) and download the SFP-15 installer (which will be the latest build 121) and re-install. Do not uninstall the current build prior so you will not lose any your custom settings and preferences The other items in the install manager should not need to be reinstalled.
If you have difficulty downloading (or unpacking the installers), request a link to download the unpacked installer <.exe> file(s).

Anti-virus and firewalls have been known to interfere with downloads as well, so you might try temporarily disabling them.

If the time tool issue continues, try the 'reset/clear cache' procedure, .. which will change most of your custom settings back to the defaults.

craig-d wrote on 4/25/2022, 2:08 AM

hi @diegomsrtv, i hope you're doing well. actually, i think the notice you are seeing is the 'renew update service' glitch. this is saying that you need to renew the update service, but this has no actual function. this happens in both versions 15 and 16...the developers are releasing a patch soon to remove this. i haven't noticed any issue with the time stretch, but i'll play around with it some and see if i get any errors...if so, i'll let you know.