problems after installing SF15Pro build 161 (64-bit)

SteveMTNO wrote on 3/18/2022, 9:42 PM

I recently installed SF15Pro build 161 (64-bit) for Windows 10 Pro and have noticed a couple issues that I didn't have before this:

- Every time I start the program now, I get a dialog box wanting me to "Renew the Update Service"... how do I make this stop? I don't want to install the update service. It never asked me to do this prior to the latest update.

- If I double click an audio file, it opens a new instance of SF. If I double click on another audio file, it opens another instance of SF. It never did this prior to the update either. I only want it to open one instance of SF - not multiple instances.

Thanks, in advance,



rraud wrote on 3/19/2022, 2:57 PM

Hi @SteveMTNO,
The multi-instance default was added in an update patch to SFP-14 (with little notice or instructions to change it back), which caused each opened file to launch a new instance of SF. In any case, you can revert back to the single-instance behavior in the (hidden) Internal menu. See this previous thread

To stop the "Renew the Update Service" annoyance,.. uninstall the application, which is separate from Sound Forge. The file path is:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\MAGIX Services\Update Notifier\
I recommend you use 'Revo Uninstall' to find and eliminate it.
See this thread

SteveMTNO wrote on 3/19/2022, 6:45 PM

I was able to uninstall the Update Notifier via Control Panel. Thanks for your help..

SteveMTNO wrote on 4/23/2022, 9:26 PM

Apparently it has reinstalled itself... :(

SteveMTNO wrote on 7/20/2022, 2:10 PM

Every time I start SF15Pro, it starts the updater.

I've gone into C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\MAGIX\UPS and each time I start the program, it adds another subfolder to /UPS with another instance of the .exe...

I was able to get rid of this a couple months ago, but I'm not sure how I did it. Thought I had posted something about it here in the forum, but I don't see it..