
Former user wrote on 5/21/2014, 2:58 PM

For some reason, your log in name leads me to believe....oh, never mind....where was I...oh yes, now I remember.  You are not a native english speaker and as such your question to one that is.....that be some what confusing.  

crazy_shutup wrote on 5/22/2014, 2:58 AM

I'm from iran and maybe my language is not so good

did you understand what i say in my question??

Former user wrote on 5/22/2014, 6:19 PM

Actuaallly your english is way more better than my farsi....If you bought the software, you are entitled to contact Magix support with your issue.  Magaix is a German company, so it is important thaat you make sure your question is a little more clear.  A person who has MM Jam may see your post and they may bae able to help you btter than I. 

crazy_shutup wrote on 5/23/2014, 2:57 PM

مرد حسابی اگه فارسی بلدی خوب فارسی جواب بده دیگه!!!!!!

Former user wrote on 5/23/2014, 6:47 PM

Its all Greek to me !!!!!  Don't you read it from right to left ? You mis-spelled an exclamation point


crazy_shutup wrote on 5/24/2014, 3:52 AM

please f you can help me , write the answer otherwise let others talk!!!!

Did you understand what i said in my first question or not??