Problem with Izotope RX9 Connect VST (app needs to be terminated)

enwaves wrote on 8/9/2022, 4:48 AM

Hello all!


I am having a trouble with Izotope RX9 Connect vst plugin. Video attached. Whenever opening plugin from SoundForge, it instantly swaps window focus to Izotope, presenting no audio data in RX. Focus can't be swtiched to SFP, becasue as soon as any action is done in SFP, we get insta-switch to RX.. This used to work no-issues in Sound Forge Audio studio (v 12, v13) (with older 32 bit RX releases).

Can anyone help with this?


enwaves wrote on 8/9/2022, 6:00 AM


1) I have installed Izotope RX8 Advanced - same issue.

2) I have downloaded Sound Forge Pro 12 trial from Magix site - guess what - both RX8 and RX9 Connect plugins work correctly in it. Video below.

3) Is it possible to "downgrade" to SFP 12 or buy SFP12? "Purchase" link leads to offer for SFP 16 which i already own.

emmrecs wrote on 8/9/2022, 6:12 AM


These are user to user forums so unless another user, like @rraud can advise you otherwise, you will need to email and ask them about the p[possibility of buying the older version.

Forum Moderator

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SP. wrote on 8/9/2022, 6:14 AM

@enwaves Isn't it redundant to use RX editing in Sound Forge instead doing directly in the RX standalone app? I don't use SF16 and cannot test this but it is possible something broke the compatibility in the newer SF versions. If this is the case, you need to contact technical support, so they can add it to the list of necessary bugfixes.

enwaves wrote on 8/9/2022, 6:47 AM

Thank you guys for quick responses!


1) Work i do is mainly on short (either one-off or looped samples), which means working on many files at once. Only from version 9 RX started to support more then 16 files (32 opened) (this is valid for all versions of it, Elements, Standard, Advanced).

2) Related to 1) - samples are taken from lengthy recordings, and it can take a lot of time for RX to render spectrum view (which is not surprise at all given how detailed it is and the amount of Fourier and what not calculations taking place "behind") - so simply it's much faster to select small chunk of data in SFP and send to RX for editing / cleaning, then back to SFP.

2) RX is somewhat "slow" to switch between files fast, again in spectrum view, and if files are of different sample rate, it first needs to do some internal reinit, which adds up to already "slow" spectrum rendering.

3) SFP has "Sample loop" (loop region) - game audio middleware FMOD recognizes these in samples - when editing you can set loops precisely, while having "lead in" different - and this is something i just can't live without :)


@emmrecs Thanks, i'll check with them for older version, but if possible would like to use newer :) For now, trial should do. ( i own older Audio Studio versions, 12/13, but these are x86 only, whereas either RX8 or RX9 comes solely with built x64 binaries (main app and vst plugins) )

rraud wrote on 8/9/2022, 9:53 AM

Sorry @enwaves, I do not have RX9 to check out. SFP 16.1 currently has issues with third-party plug-ins. Have you tried an earlier build of SFP-16? The current plug-in issues did not exist in SFP 16.0 build 79, but as I stated, I do not know about RX9 specifically.
You can contact Magix to 'request' a downgrade to SFP-15 or earlier. Reports indicate that Magix is usually accommodating but I cannot promise anything.
If you wish to try SFP 16.0 build 79, you can download the unpacked installers here . You will still need to re-activate it though with your SFP-16 serial code (and paired email address).

btw, welcome to the Magix Sound Forge users community .

walter-howerton wrote on 8/9/2022, 2:25 PM

The latest patch on SF Pro 16 (version 16.1.x) causes many (not all) VST plugins to not function (typically resulting in a crash of SF). I reverted to SF Pro 15 for the time-being, but I expect Magix to fix this show-stopper of a problem with SF Pro 16.
I also wish Magix would post specific version downloads for users, rather than the installer which always seeks the latest patch, regardless of its usefulness.