Problem rendering my film, the images are too slow

echapleau wrote on 3/28/2012, 4:28 PM

When I look to the preview of my film in Magix Edit Pro 12, everything is ok and synchronise.  When I render the film (I normaly use the WMV format, but the problem occurs with every kind of format) the images and the sound are not synchronised.... Actually, the sound seems tu be OK but the images are too slow.

My computer is a Toshiba Satellite Intel (R) Core (TM)2 CPU T5300

I normaly use Winamp to read my videos.  I tried to use different kind of resolution, but it did not solve the problem. The video codec is Windows Media Video 9

I've been working with Magix for a few years with the same computer and I never had this problem before.... I don't know exactly when it has started... maybe with one of the update?  Is it about a codec?

Thank you for your help.


john-auvil wrote on 3/29/2012, 9:40 AM

I wish I could provide an answer, unfortunately, I cannot run version 12 in Windows 7, so I have no way of testing this to see if I get a similar issue.

Each format would have a codec, and if this is happening no matter what format you choose, then it may be beyond a codec issue.

Has there been any updates since you last remember it working correctly?