Good day, I have purchased and registered a product, but I cannot log in to the store. It still shows me a mistake. I get to my account on the website, but NO in the application - the program. Can you help me, please?
@Michaela-S. Try the following: open the program settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top left corner of Music Maker and then click on the button to clean up the store which is located on the right side of the program settings window. This will delete the old cache of the store. This often helps to solve login problems.
@Michaela-S. You can try to deactivate your firewall or Windows Defender temporarily and try again. Maybe they block internet access for Music Maker. In this case you need to create a rule in your firewall to let Music Maker connect to the internet. Please don't forget to re-enable the firewall after you tried this.
@Michaela-S. You can try to deactivate your firewall or Windows Defender temporarily and try again. Maybe they block internet access for Music Maker. In this case you need to create a rule in your firewall to let Music Maker connect to the internet. Please don't forget to re-enable the firewall after you tried this.
Zkontrolujte, zda jsou v nastavení Windows vybrány možnosti Internetu, jak je uvedeno níže.
Rychlý způsob, jak se k nim dostat, je:
Stiskněte klávesu Windows na klávesnici
Zadejte Možnosti Internetu
Vyberte možnosti internetu z nalezeného seznamu.
John EB
unfortunately despite the correct settings as you send, the login does not work and still reports "An error has occurred during the purchase process" ...
@Michaela-S. Another idea would be to use a VPN. For some reason, some internet providers are blacklisted.
Hello, Despite trying to change the connection, the login was not successful and the problem persists. This makes the product inoperable for us and we would like to return it.
These are user to user forums so no-one here can help you with any return or refund, sorry.
Assuming you bought the software very recently (and depending on where you are in the world, since different terms and conditions can apply depending on where you live) you need to email to ask them.