Web Designer Premium (current). Running Win 10. Web page preview looks fine. Online display is totally different: header graphic is misplaced & repeated; text is misplaced and all grouped into one paragraph; random bars of color.....Help!
Did you try refreshing the browser cache using F5 - you may need to press this several times or used another browser?
If you are using Safari it may have an issue with displaying the site correctly, if this is so the there is little you can do about it as you cannot control the viewers website
Alternatively post a link to the site if possible.
I routinely clear my PC cache before checking any new website upload. I also always check the display on other (family; friends) PC's that use different browsers.
I'm using Chrome.
I initially completed another website, which all turned out fine.
It looks like that header, graphics elements and text layers are in the wrong order and/or layers, or elements have been set to be behind/in front of other elements.
The header and coloured bars should be in one layer with the text in a text layer.