Please how I can fix Fisheye for a video captured with GoPro H3+ mo.sal wrote on 10/10/2015, 1:14 PM Hi every everyone, I am actually using MagixMovie edit Pro 2016 Premium. I am new member I am asking for some help on how to I can fix a video done with GoPro on Phantom 2. It doesn't really look nice with a carve when is published to Youtube. Thanks for your help. Back to post
Comments johnebaker wrote on 10/12/2015, 4:04 AM Hi Select the video clip to be corrected Select the Effects tab Select View/Animation, Lens correction. Apply the corrections using the sliders. HTH John EB mo.sal wrote on 10/12/2015, 4:34 AM Hi John EB, Thank you for your help. I will do the Fisheye correction when I get home later and let you know. With kindest regards MO 1