The only possible solution I can think of is to delete the program and then reinstall it. OR, there is an option to "Fix" the software, if you place the disc back in the drive and go to the start menu, it will show that option. that might fix it. :) good luck
WHOA!!! Do not unistall ("delete") the program because of this problem. You are permitted only have three installs before you have to ask MAGIX for permission to reinstall.
In the Program Settings ('P' key), on the Audio/MIDI tab, increase the audio playback buffer one notch. That should cure your glitchy problem. If it doesn't, make sure you have NO other programs running while you are using MMM.
I also have playback skipping on one song with MMM 2014 Premium. Like you, I have plenty of RAM and no background programs running. The skips happen when guitars that I have recorded play at the same time with MIDI from Revolta 2. Strangely enough, when all tracks are Soloed, the playback is fine. This seems to be a way to get around the skipping during playback. Also, when I export a skipping song to mp3, the song does not skip. Hope this helps.