When using the wizard and moving order of pictures around, sometimes one picture gets embedded/docked on top of another picture. How do I undo this, the undo icon does not remove it?
If not switch to timeline mode by clcking the circled option shown above, the timeline will chnge to look like the one shown below and you should then be able to separate the two pictures.
Note: the images above are from Photostory Deluxe, if you have an earlier version the icon to click is one of the 2 shown below
Yes it is in Timeline mode, and in the timeline below they are separate but in the viewer they are together in one shot, one pic sitting on top of other. I am using photostory deluxe
Check that there is not a copy of the image that is overlaying on a lower track, you may have to scroll down to see if there is one.
Can you post a screenshot of the section of the timeline - zoomed in so the objects are clear, where this occurs and how it appears in the preview monitor?
Yes it is in Timeline mode, and in the timeline below they are separate but in the viewer they are together in one shot, one pic sitting on top of other. I am using photostory deluxe