Photostory Deluxe Won't Burn DVD: mda reports DVD creation error: 8400


ann-hesselsweet wrote on 4/1/2024, 3:44 PM

John, thanks for weighing in on this. here is the view you asked for. hope this helps. i certainly didnt understand a bit of the RAID paragraph.

ann-hesselsweet wrote on 4/1/2024, 3:46 PM

dang it appears this isnt sending. hope it is

ann-hesselsweet wrote on 4/2/2024, 10:04 AM

Here we go again-

Cambodia project step1-put photos and clips together to create project. Saved frequently, as you suggested- easy. Played it and it locked up at most of the mp4 video clips and 1 MOV clip. So i moved the clips around and each played thru. It seemed to work.

2.Played all it again and it locked up at the same places, darn it. So i trimmed the ends off the videos and it played just fine all the way through. i exported the renamed project as an mp4, which is my only choice. the export worked.. (I couldnt find an iso choice).

3.. played the mp4 that was saved and it worked fine. So i attempted to burn it. (still no iso choice). burn errored out after just a few min.

4..Started a new project like you had suggested before and loaded the newly saved mp4, renamed and saved it as a new photostory project. played it on photostory and it played fine. (still cant find how to make an iso file.) attempted a burn and it errored again.!!

the only difference between the last project which worked with the work around was, with this one i could not create an iso file. Iso doesn't appear as a choice and i think last time it just happened when i exported it but not this time. Not sure what I did to get Iso last time. You talked about using image recorder but I cant find that choice in either export or burn.

So i am stuck again. i did download img burn, per your instructions, and could try burning the mp4 to my blu ray player but would that be good enough for blue ray and television? I thought mp4 was a lesser quality.

I really think there is something wrong with this photostory program when i use video clips. it worked in the past with just jpgs. So Magix's advertising about the abilities of this program is inaccurate.

Please hang in there with me. I want this one last project finished. Hope fully i will learn enough to create a video for our up coming Galapagos trip. Other wise i will have to switch to another software. darn again.



ann-hesselsweet wrote on 4/2/2024, 10:13 AM

I just tried to use img burn. duh. i cant figure it out. I tried many choices but cant get it to work. I'll need a manual to work this software. darn

ann-hesselsweet wrote on 4/2/2024, 3:06 PM

found the image recorder and tried again. results- failure