PC freezes after pressing burn button

joserobles1941 wrote on 12/15/2016, 11:09 AM


I have been working on a projecto for almost two months now to have it ready for Xmas. It is ready now but when I try to burn it after applying the templates for introduction (menu), it immediately stops and it actually freezes all other options. I have to reboot the pc.

Before posting this I have searched previous posts, but have not found enough information that is why I am asking for help. Also I would certainly appreciate if someone could give me the instructions or guidelines on how to proceed after having fihished a project and what are the next steps for applying introductory templates, applying them, editing if necessary and finally burning the dvd, please.

Just in case I am having a tech friend of mine come over to format my OS (Windows 8.1) to rule out this being the cause.

Thanks in advance and Merry Xmas to all

José Robles


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