I'm using MEP MX+ (download ver. on Windows XP with 4gb RAM. I have a project with multiple movies in it. I want to take clips from the various other movies and edit them into the first (main/production) movie. I go to one of the other movies, select an In and Out point, make sure the movie object is selected (there is only one track, no sound even), then go to Edit -> Edit Range -> Copy. Then I go back to the first movie, make sure the Time Line is where I want it, right click the Track I want, and choose Paste Object.
Now what I want is for it to paste it where I select. What it does is warn me that pasting it may cause object to overlap. I say OK and it pastes it to Track 1, which is where I have the audio track for the main movie. If that's locked then it just moves the timeline and doesn't add the object at all.
How can I Paste the Obect where I want and not just on track 1? Thanks!