I was checking this morning to see if a feature I've suggested several times over the last eight years or so had been implemented yet. Namely an option that would let me view the Q&A section in the familiar way used by other forums, showing threads with recent replies at the TOP, instead of by the date of the original post. It hasn't.
But in the process I tried 'Most answers first'. That plainly doesn't work:
[Inserting my screenshot using Image is repeatedly crashing Firefox. I'll now try a Link instead.]
Also, changing to any option other than the default 'Latest questions first' loses whatever filter was selected (Photo, Video, Music, etc) and shows ALL categories. And if you then try to re-select the filtered subset again, the option gets reset to 'Latest questions first'!
I've used the usual Feedback link, but never had a response before so not optimistic of one now.