Opening the software

art-l wrote on 3/1/2021, 5:33 PM

I have Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11.0. It's registered, the registration accepted my serial number. I installed from the the disc and when that didn't work, I downloaded the software from the service center and the same thing happened. Here is what happens: When I click to open software, I get a pop up that my trial has expired and I should either buy it or enter my S/N. I enter my S/N, click submit, and I get another pop up that says, "This application will restart to compete the upgrade process." So I click on OK and the pop up closes and it starts all over again.


ericlnz wrote on 3/1/2021, 7:02 PM

Vegas products have their own forum.

Please refer to the Important Posts at the top of this forum page for direction to the Vegas forum. When you get there search the forum as this has probably cropped up before.