Online Update is downloading but, not auto-updating. What is the reason for this?

msgilch wrote on 3/29/2010, 3:56 PM
I am using the built-in help function to auto-update.  The update is found and downloads to the PC.  However, as soon as it finishes downloading, a pop-up indicates there is a new update found and stops all update functions.  I've tried to manually patch Movie Edit Pro 15 by going to the Support Web Site; downloading the patch and executing directly.  When this is attempted, the patch EXE responds by indicating Movie Edit Pro is not installed; and prompts to install via the CD.  Obviously, if I intially tried to patch via the auto-update within the Studio GUI, I have Movie Edit Pro 15 installed.  What's next?


Securityman wrote on 3/29/2010, 10:58 PM
 If you are installing the patch manually you probably have to move the .EXE file to the directory of MEP15 and install from there. It thinks you don't have the program when you install from outside the program directory.
Securityman wrote on 3/31/2010, 8:48 PM
 The term "well written patches" does not always apply to Magix products:). AS well Magix tech support is ....well....hard to find and even harder to get a reply from.
DShutt wrote on 11/1/2010, 10:57 AM

I have tried all the suggestions about this issue. Nothing - so far - has worked. Shame on Magix.

Securityman wrote on 11/1/2010, 11:22 PM

Perhaps in the future you should explain that you are an IT professional so people on this forum don't waist there time trying to help you.


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