Ongoing Issues with ACID 8.0

mellotronworker wrote on 7/8/2018, 1:14 AM

A few issues:

  1. Garritan Personal Orchestra - bought and paid for. Every time ACID 8.0 tries to load it, it reports that it is 'unregistered'. There after it is 'unregistered' for ACID 7.0 as well. Huh?? (Windows 10)
  2. Trying to start anything running from Native Instruments reports that the program folder is not writeable. (Not an error I have seen in 7.0) I know, I could run ACID 8.0 as admin, but should I have to?
  3. I have some large projects that simply will not load at all and hang on 100% and never budge.
  4. For crying out loud, we've been waiting aeons for a 64 bit version of ACID Pro to come out, so please give us 32 bit plug-in support!
  5. The new colour scheme is simply revolting. You could even improve it vastly by giving an option to either revert to the original old colours or even just get rid of that dorky dark background.
  6. Add facility to add hidden VST folders - some weird ones lodge their DLL files with support in \PROGRAMDATA which cannot be navigated to via the dialogue box. Either allow navigation to hidden folders OR allow the user to enter the location manually.
  7. The visual for when a track is armed or not is quite obscure: a filled red circle (armed) or an empty circle (not armed) would be better than shading.
  8. Would it be possible to have a facility to create (say) a PDF from a track showing - for each track - the MIDI channel, the soft synth applied, or in the case of audio tracks the source sound file, and for both the bus routings, volumes etc.  It might be a decent idea for a studio record, as opposed to opening the track up again and picking through it.
  9. Any chance of making some release notes for upgrades so you can see the changes? I have looked for them on the latest upgrade and cannot see anything.

Good job otherwise! 😀



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