Old VHS stuff

Creetch wrote on 7/7/2009, 11:29 AM
Trying to get the software to work to convert old vhs to digitaL Using an old VHS Pye video recorder and operating with W2K.  It all seems ok but nothing gets recorded apart for the the black cat in the coal cellar.  Not sure what the USB button does.  It all seems ok but just do not have it.
Have the vinyl and tapes equivalent and the tapes thing works perfectly.  Not done any LPs yet.  Something is not quite right.

Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.


ralftaro wrote on 7/8/2009, 9:28 AM
Hi there,

Right off the bat I can tell you that this product is not designed for Windows 2000. So, that would be a reason right there why it might not work. If the software actually installed fine, you don't have to expect a problem on that end. However, the drivers for the video capture hardware just won't work out under this operating system.  :-(

Maybe you can use it on a different machine or upgrade your operating system, at least to Win XP. Btw, the "button" on the device doesn't have any function in the context of this package or is generally of purely decorative nature.

Well, I hope this helps to at least point you in the right direction.