Why does my Object Effect plugins only seem to work on WAV files and not on MIDI files.
So I found that I can add the effect through the Mixer tab and it works on MIDI as I would expect here, but ONLY here - why not in the dedicated effects tab, can someone explain that?
The object audio effects are for audio objects only. MIDI objects are not audio objects.
However, if you open a MIDI instrument, what is called the MIDI instrument editor, all of those switches and knobs are basically the same effects that you would find for audio effects. You make your adjustments in the MIDI instrument editor (the GUI, not the list). When you switch patches in the instrument editor, watch the switches and knobs and you'll see them move. That is what changes the sound. You can modify them as you wish, save them as a patch, and resuse them. You can also automate them - see the manual. These are like the object effects Essential eFX, Vintage Effects, Reverb, Distortion & Filter.