Object Editor in Samplitude Pro X6 Suite

Tomasz-Rzepinski wrote on 8/27/2022, 5:34 PM

Hello, I have a question, where has the function pre or post effect disappeared in the Object Editor in Samplitude Pro X6 Suite. I know this feature was in older versions of Samplitude in a movie made for Soun On Sound on May 22, 2012 from a YouTube video made by Kraznet. I wrote on the Samplitude forum about two months ago about this and got no reply from anyone. I want to keep the reverb tail for the object, the delay tail after the playback moves to the next object and the effect tail fades. In the YouTube video in the seventh minute this is shown how to do it, but in the Samplitude Pro X6 Suite version this function can not be called up with the small button on the left above the plugins section. Please help.

Kind regards.
