No English lg. version of Xara Designer Pro X 18 for use in Germany ;(

define wrote on 4/12/2021, 5:59 AM

Hi everyone,  
I prefer to have my UI in english under Xara Designer Pro X and every time an update comes up this challenge arises. There seems to be no way for me to get an english language version in Germany.
I have to fiddle around with *.dll-files and thus get the english menues. 
As there are however international versions available I wonder, why a simple choise on installation is not possible.
Can anyone please help with this. My wife is from GB and I would realy like to have the software in english.
But even if I (supposedly smartly) download the english trial version and then put in my credentials it 'magixcally' turns into a german version.
How the hell did they achieve that ;)

My hope would be, that there are editable path's somewhere, that can do the trick?

Every proposal is being appreciated,  Sincerely                             Claude 


SP. wrote on 4/12/2021, 6:08 AM

@define Go into the folder, where your designerprox18_dlm.exe is located. Then click into the address bar of the Windows Explorer and enter cmd

This will open the command prompt and sets its current work directory to the folder you are in.

Then enter designerprox18_dlm.exe -force

This will start the installer and present you a possibility to select the language you want to install.

define wrote on 4/13/2021, 12:12 PM

Thanks very much SP.,

that did the trick. The 'Local Design Gallery' is still in German though, but the very rest is now in English. That's absolutely O.K. for me and my wife. Still, I don't get the point, as to why this language choice is so deeply hidden.
It should be more obvious or at least being mentioned as an option in the manual.

Thanks again, Claude

define wrote on 4/13/2021, 12:20 PM

BTW - just in case anyone will try to follow up the procedure. There was no 'designerprox18_dlm.exe' on my machine, but  the only *.dlm-file was a 'trial_designerprox17_dlm.exe'. May be the '-force'-command would work with that as well, but I chose to rename it and that defintely worked well. :)  It installed version 18.
The 'trial_designerprox17_dlm.exe' was the file that was provided by the sent download-link from Magix.
Best,   'Claude'