I have noticed that if an effect is not altered from a given altered setting that several effects do not put down any key frames for that clip. The altered settings still seem to be recorded though for that clip.
It was useful to be able to easily enable and disable the effect in order to check that the output was "what is wanted". As it is now, I think the only method to achieve even temporary disablement is to remove the effect, which is not easy, at least not without removing ALL effects used on the particular clip, I think.
I agree with Jeff. Like other effects, despite being able to kf or not, the effect should show up. Section cannot be keyframed, but it shows up. This lets us know at a glance what effects have been applied to the object. Looking at the object itself to see all effects requires that the object be wide enough on the timeline to see all effects. Also, double-clicking on the effect in the kf area reopens the effect.
The problem is that NeatVideo (along with at least some other third-party effects) does not even appear in the KF Editor in VPX14, nor (I think) in MMS 2023.
Some third party effects don't seem to do anything in MEP 2022 at all. Most of those I suspect would need use of the alpha channel. Some can only be used once in any given project. There are inconsistencies from effect to effect for sure.
. . . . Any individual effect can be deleted from the Key frame editor by clicking on it, turning it blue, and then right clicking and selecting delete.. . . . The problem is that NeatVideo (along with at least some other third-party effects) does not even appear in the KF Editor. . . .
I am on the other side of the fence on this one, in that there is no reason for it to appear in the KF editor - there is nothing you can keyframe in NV.
What may be missing, and this depends on workflow, is the option to reset the NV effect in isolation from other effects, though I would also question the need for this as NV, is one of those effects, like Sharpening, that IMO has a specific position in the order of effects used.
In my workflow when using NV, it is the first effect I apply and once as required, previewing the results as I previously posted, is not touched again when adding other effects.
BTW Sharpening - should be the last thing applied to the movie.
Actually I agree with you but just occasionally I find I want to examine exactly how much difference NV is making to a specific section or clip. Then, the option to temporarily disable it is very valuable!
In connection with your comments about the "order" in which effects are applied; are we correct to assume that the order in which we instantiate them is the order in which they are applied on Export? In my audio editing I am used to inserting effects into a "rack" and I know the "order of processing" is that the effect in position 1 is applied before the one in position 2, and so on. Is this true in MMS/VPX?