need big help!

usswinger wrote on 12/15/2008, 12:58 AM
i open screen (Recond). homevideo appear on left small screen then i click playback pop up Crash Guard
ERROR in module "MovieEdit.exe" (load address: 0x00400000) to address 0x006739d
Exception 0xc0000005 "ACCESS_VIOLATION"

Project list C:User xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  that i save from recording homevideo. i dont understand what wrong. i was unstalled then reinstalled. i click playback again same pop up plm.


ralftaro wrote on 12/15/2008, 10:13 AM

I'm afraid some further clarification as to details of this problem might be needed. From reading this, I'm still not completely sure what stage of the program you're actually in when this crash occurs. Are you suggesting that you only just opened the program and you just click on play while you're in the first ("Record") stage of the software. If this is the case, my money would be on some kind of graphics or sound driver issue. In this case, make sure you have functional graphics and sound hardware that meets the program's requirements, including up-to-date drivers. Then experiment with the settings for the sound driver and the video mode used by Movie Edit Pro in the program's settings. (Press "Y" on the keyboard. You will find the sound driver settings in the "Playback" tab and the arranger video mode setting in the "Display options" tab.) You should just try different modes here. Some modes might clash with certain hardware - others will probably work just fine.

Or is this a problem when you're trying to use one of the video capturing/recording dialogs? DV? Analog? I would definitely need more details on that. Thanks.