@Eugene-Nwachuku This is a user-to-user-forum and not Magix support. You need to contact customer support at infoservice@magix.net and ask them for assistance.
Besides that, Magix no longer distributes Xara Web Designer. You need to buy your version now directly from Xara.com. They have a feature limited perpetual version and a subscription version that gets regular updates.
I was not informed that Magix are no longer providing software updates. The package I have recently renewed includes a software update guarantee. Should I now be paying less?
Did you purchase Xara Web Designer or Magix Web Designer as a standalone program that came with free hosting and then continued paying for the hosting?
Purchase the Online hosting package with Web Designer included?
Magix no longer retail Xara products or are agents for Xara products
As has been suggest by @SP. you need to contact, by email, Magix at infoservice@magix.net and ask what the situation is with the software update guarantee and hosting.
Magix no longer retail Xara products or are agents for Xara products
As has been suggest by @SP. you need to contact, by email, Magix at infoservice@magix.net and ask what the situation is with the software update guarantee and hosting.
Magix reply: "The version will remain version 19 because this was the last version provided by MAGIX. All newer versions will be offered again by XARA itself."
Magix have chosen not to respond to my query regarding the contracted software update guarantee, which is still being advertised as part of the package! Whilst the current software version works okay at present, I would have thought I should have been advised of any change in terms before contract renewal?
Matt at Xara previously responded thus: "You can continue using the version of the software you have as long as you have the hosting service. But if you want to upgrade, it will be a separate purchase. I've asked Magix to update the hosting website."