My email will not forward

quintacal wrote on 4/23/2009, 6:57 PM
Hello -

I can not get my email to forward to another email servce (gmail).

Here is what I did:

Set I set the Field to Filter as TO, the Operand to "is" and the Content to
> Filter  to be the email address I want to forward.
> Then I clicked Forward mail below and type in the address I want to
> forward to. This, I thought created  a fodrwarding rule.

Well, it is not working.

I wrote support a few days ago, no answer.
I called the support number today and the tech guy said he doesnt do 
any support for online Magix products, the german team does that - 
yet there is no phone number to call.

I am frustrated. This is important to me because the magix mail client 
is just not suitable for my needs.

Does anybody see where I have gone wrong?

Much appreciated -



ralftaro wrote on 4/24/2009, 4:36 AM

Right off the bat, I cannot comment on the specifics of the web-mail interface and its filtering rules, since I don't have a domain and e-mail addresses set up in my Websiter Maker account. I would have to look into this first. However, here's another idea: Instead of setting up a filtering rule and forwarding to another address, would it be possible for you to take advantage of the SMPT/POP support in Website Maker and start using your e-mail account with a proper e-mail client? That's the most elegant and sound way of going about e-mail access anway - at least as far as I'm concerned. Plus, you'd also be able to send through that account, instead of just receiving e-mails and sending through a different account. If you don't want to use a local e-mail client application, you should check whether GMail is offering you an option to collect e-mails from external POP accounts. A lot of web-based e-mail clients do. Not sure whether this is true for GMail. The server settings and access information for POP and SMTP is on the Magix online services website.

I hope this helps.

middletonpaul wrote on 4/24/2009, 7:10 AM
Hi quintacal, I had the same problem a while ago and Magix support got back to me with the following which seemed to work.

This goes to my Gmail

Hope it helps cheers Paul

You can set up filters on the webmail, that will allow you to forward all messages to another account.
Start your webmail,
go to Options.
Then go to set up for spam and virus.....
Click on Create Filter.
Give it a name, then set the following :
Field to Filter : To Operand : is Content to Filter : Tick Forward email : Then type in your email address to be forwarded to. Then click create filter. This will forward all emails sent to the email address entered in the Content field to be forwarded. You can modify these settings to set up more complex rules.