Music Maker Premium 2020-Crackly and skipping sounds.


ImSean wrote on 4/30/2020, 3:59 PM

UPDATE: Yes, so as I mentioned, my CPU runs around 20-40% when running MMM even with 20 tracks. For sound popping, skipping issues, I found a solution by changing a power setting in power management also..the key driver to this whole mess, at least for me, was: I have the realtek HD audio driver and the Nvidia HD audio sound driver! I deleted the Nvidia HD Audio Sound Driver from programs menu and, no more popping or program crashing...There is still some freezing but it recovers but it's still an annoyance. How could I trust a 32 bit MMM to continue helping with my music? I cant...I'm retiring from MMM and found Digital Performer to work so much better plus it can run VST3 plugs ins at 24 bit. I wish the tech guys at MMM were able to save me hours of frustrating uninstalling and reinstalling...buying a new pc etc etc...


I dont know what I did and I dont know if the issue is fixed as I went on to another song. I researched why my CPU was running at 100% when this should be able to handle MMM2020 I have games that run more CPU resources than MMM2020 however it was running at 100% regardless if I had effects or non and playing one track....The research took me to checking some system files and deleting some...I dont know what the hell I did but MMM2020 for one of my songs is now running at 20% CPU power when before it was at 100% I will post more when I have it. It's the one song...for a big project that I was working on that was having issues and started this thread...but I will post when I play it and see if anything has changed....The Magix support team finally emailed me back with NO ANSWER to help...they suggested installing ASIO4u driver 😵😲😴 Perhaps they did not ready my email? saying I had tried ALL Drivers LOL anyhow....

AtHomePA wrote on 4/30/2020, 10:37 PM

Realtek HD Audio Drivers here (from Realtek, sometimes need a OEM tweaked version):

For some Intel boards:

For some Dell boards:

And, in the past I have used the driver from one OEM to update another OEM's product. Always backup your registry and use make a System Restore Point before trying these.