did not help. I have win8, ASUS G75 with nvidia graphics and otherwise MM seems to work.
When playback is stopped I can move cursor with mouse or with arrow keys and time display follows correctly. With playback when I drag cursor to a point music starts from there but cursor or time display don't update any more ???
rename did not help, mine is (UDDPP3). I wonder if I should reinstall MM to a diffrent drive, my windows is Finnish so the paths especially in C: may look different ie. users = käyttäjät.
MY 2016 MM did same thing (curser would not play music) and then program would crash and restart. Instead of trying to make it work by any of the above solutions, I BYPASSED THE PROBLEM by SIMPLY DOING THIS:
1. Using Shift key, copy all clips on all tracks. Program will highlight clumps of clips, so it allows you to do this task much easier and faster than you might think.
2. Choose "Edit" "Insert Object" (x1) Wait a few seconds and a perfect copy of your old music file will display. Then hit play. My song worked and played PERFECTLY. I then saved to new file name, but you could also overwrite to your same old file name.