Music Maker Jam WIN8 lost all installed styles apart from original default style after software update

xygot wrote on 8/6/2014, 7:00 PM

Started using Music Maker Jam for WIN8. Downloaded two styles into 2 out of 3 empty FREE  styles boxes. Updated software 5 August 2014..the two downlouded styles boxes vanished leaving only one FREE and default style box available to use. Now I can only choose default style or download only one style to use rather than the original four to choose from.



xygot wrote on 8/10/2014, 2:05 AM

Worked outsolution to problem myself.

Additional firewall software was preventing Music Maker Jam from connecting with Magix server. It was blocking OUT GOING connections.

Set firewall to ALLOW OUTGOING and suddenly everything started working and the software sorted itself out fully.

Still points to poor software design in that no ERROR message was generated. Instead it just showed "Loading" for several DAYS continuously !