I have installed it on my laptop runing Windows 8.1 and it run fine. Just need to start it in administrator mode (rightc click - run as administrator) to avoid some plugins error. The most common issue (for 2015 and 2014 as well) is the sounpools that are not saved correctly. after adding them, on restart just a few of them shows up in the list.
I found a solution for this
Locate the file named SoundPoolDB.dat (location depends of your windows version just do a search using the explorer search function).
Open the file using Wordpad (or any other text editor) and check the last Soundpool listed to confirm that it matched with your last Soundpool in the list (for example the last Soundpool available in my Styles list was blues and the last entry in the .dat file was [D:\MAGIX\Common\Soundpools\Blues\Organ\|BPM=120.00|Scale=C,d,e,F,G,a,|source=0] (for info my configuration is system windows and application on C:\ drive, Plugins, Soundpools and work folders on D:\ drive)
Save the content of the .dat file under another name for example SoundPoolDB 1.dat then delete the original file. Relocate all the Soundpools available into your Styles list (and .dat file) into a temporary folder. The aim is to be able to scan the next missing Soundpools.
Run Music Maker again, the software will scan the Soundpool folder and create a new SoundPoolDB.dat with the new detected Soundpools. Then close and re-open the software again to confirm that you get back the new Soundpools.
If all your missing Soundpools are listed you can go to the Final Step. If not, do again as first step, do a renamed copy of the file as for example SounPoolDB 2.dat, delete the original file, move all the Soundpools from the list to the temporary folder, restart the software to re-scan the other missing Soundpools.... as explained before.
Final Step, open the file SounPoolDB.dat with Wordpad and delete all the content, then open your backup SoundPoolDB 1.dat copy all the content and paste it to SoundPollDB.dat, do the same with SoundPoolDB 2.dat copy the content and paste it into SoundPoolDB.dat (following the content of the backup 1)... do the same for the other backups if you have more (I personally got all my Soundpools available with only 2 backup DB1 and DB2)
Save the file SoundPoolDB.dat and change the file properties to read-only this is very important as the software will normally try to overwrite the file on startup (then recreate the partial and defective one).
Copy all the Soundpools from the temporary folder back to your original Soundpool folder.
Restart Music Maker to get your full collection of Soundpools available in your Styles list.