mp3 - 320kbps

Heitor-Kose wrote on 7/3/2021, 2:44 PM

Hello, I use sound forge 15pro and when I open a file in mp3 320kbps 
and I make some modification and I just use save, it saves in 256kbps,
if I want to keep it at 320kbps I have to use save as, how to solve this?
Heitor Kose
Email address removed by Moderator


rraud wrote on 7/4/2021, 11:52 AM

256kps has been the MP3 default parameter as far back as I can recall and it cannot be changed .. AFAIK.
Use "Save as" to encode a 'new' MP3 file .. or overwrite the current file. When saving the file, confirm the desired bit rate and other parameters is the in the 'Custom' tab menu settings prior to encoding.

FWIW, It is best to save files in a PCM format and encode 'end user' MP3 and other lossy type files from the PCM master. I also recommend enabling "Always proxy compressed formats" in the "Options> Preferences> General" menu for efficiency and to help preserve quality when a PCM master file is not available.