Moving Objects and Chaptermarkers together - Is It possible?

Whalebat wrote on 11/27/2012, 6:22 AM

I am currently using MX Pro Plus, but the question is relevant to any version  of MEP

Recently I was editing a project I created a while back.

I wanted to reduce the prodject to include only a few of the chapters I'd initially created.

I deleted the unwanted chapters but then wanted to gather the remaining chapters and their chapter markers together. I did this by cuting each object in turn and pasting it at the beginning. The I found I had to drag each chaptermarker (labeled previously) and place it appropriately above each pasted chapter..

I write to ask if it's possible to move objects and their chapter markers simultaneously.


Is there a more efficient way to gather all the object when some chapters have been deleted?

The process I followed as described above was tedious.

Thanks in advance.


cpc000cpc wrote on 11/27/2012, 5:42 PM

If you have deleted all the objects in a chapter you can easily close the gap using 'Intelligent mouse mode' which will drag everything to the right of the object you click on. NOTE: What moves depends on MEP version. Older ones just moved what's on the same track so you would have to group things first. MEP 2013 (at least) has an all tracks option.

Just checking -- if I use this mode the chapter marker moves as well!  That said, there seems to be some magic involved like whether or not you have removed the marker for the deleted chapter etc. It's all new to me; thanks for asking the question!

Whalebat wrote on 11/27/2012, 7:44 PM

Thanks for the reply Carl

What is Intelligent Mouse mode?

I've looked up application  (MEP MX Po)  help feature but can't find a reference to it?

I'm not sure what you mean.

If I have 7 chapters and delete chapters 2, 4 and 6.

Can you explain how you would move the remaning chapters 1, 3, 5 and 7 to eliminate the gaps?

Thanks in Advance

cpc000cpc wrote on 11/27/2012, 9:28 PM

Try searching for 'mouse mode' rather than 'intelligent mouse'. 

All I did was delete a chapters worth of objects (say chapt 2) and, in intelligent mouse mode, drag the first object of chapter 3 to the left to close the gap.

Whalebat wrote on 11/28/2012, 3:34 AM

Thanks Carl

I don't seem to have that Icon that your green arrow points too?

When I delete an object and want to move the other objects to it's right to he very begining of the project., I highlight them and drag to the left to the beginning of the project filling the black area where the deleted object existed. the problem is that when I drag the objects the blue tophat chapter markers do not drag with the objects.

I am aware I can delete all chapter markers and reinsert them an name them but thi creates more work. If I draga an object it would be nice for the chapter marker to come with it.

Have you any other suggestions?


Thanks in advance.

cpc000cpc wrote on 12/9/2012, 4:55 AM

Check again... That particular icon may only show after picking 'intelligent' mouse mode from the drop down menu. That mode has been around since at least MEP14, the oldest version I still have installed. My help files show it searching for either 'mode' or intelligent'

[Ctrl + Del] should delete and auto move to fill a gap.

Seems chapter markers are linked to play time, not objects. Best to not add them until the very last thing in your workflow before burning.

Whalebat wrote on 12/9/2012, 12:43 PM

Hello Carl

Oh... I have the mouse icon... for single object..... it's just a different shape.

Ah Carl, that's a pity the chapter markers can't be linked.

As I work through the video project when editing  I add a chapter markers and  give it a name (right click blue top hat )

If I delete other objects I'd like to move the named chapter marker and it's appropriate objects with it.

The way things are in my opinion defeats the purpose of having the chapter naming feature available in timeline mode.

Likewise.... if I delete an object that has a chapter marker , I would like the chaper marker to go with it !

The other issue I've had and posted about befoe is:

Although in timeline mode one can name chapter markers.

The number of characters for the are limited.

When you then switch to burning DVD menu mode you have only partial chapter name text.

Again in my opinion defeats the purpose of entering chapter marker names in timeline mode.

It's flawed, and reflects that Magix are developing and editing software that's going to be full of bits and pieces as more editions are released.

hey... sorry to moan at you.....

Thanks for listening ;)


cpc000cpc wrote on 12/9/2012, 4:01 PM


I apologize for creating some confusion by referencing different versions of MEP. Some new mouse functions have been added between versions and some names have been changed. You should have these in MX:

What was 'intelligent' now has single track and all track options.

Thoughts on chapter names:

I think IMHO short name are fine so there is something meaningful displayed if many are on the timeline. Then during DVD menu creation I can see a chapter is about say 'beach' rather than it only showing a default number. If long titles are available there is little sense having two markers named 'A Great Day at the Beach' and 'A Great Day at Grandma's' if only 'A Great D' is visible on the timeline at a reasonable zoom level.

I agree there might be more useful linking of chapter marker to objects, but again IMHO, there are options that might please one user and drive another insane. I'd see no problem if deleting an object moved everything, including any following chapter markers, over to close the gap as you say you'd like. But what if a chapter marker is within an object that is deleted? If the maker is deleted as well [as you say you'd like] the user who wants only to replace the object and leave the marker where it is won't be happy.

Interesting discussion -- hope other topic readers aren't getting bored!

Whalebat wrote on 12/10/2012, 6:56 AM

Hello Carl

I think that the more application user flexibility the better.

The user then has the option to work as he chooses.

You Wrote: A Great Day at the Beach as a title.

I would prefer that than an abbreviated version on my burnt DVD Menu.

If I entered that title in timeline mode, I'd expect to see the full title in the DVD Menu when I switch to Burn mode.

Formatting text etc can be done when editing the DVD menu. I wouldn't expect to have to re-do chapter names I'd entered when in timeline mode.

Chapter Markers

Could have a toggle feature  to link / unlink chapter markers to objects, in the same way the video and audio can be linked.( chain Icons).

You Wrote: But what if a chapter marker is within an object that is deleted?

I tend to cut the video to isolate each chapter and identify it with a chapter marker.  I wouldn't have a chapter marker in the middle of an object, so that wouldn't be an issue for me, but..... I explained above if there was a link toggle feature available for chapter markers the scenario you mention wouldn't be an issue either.

You Wrote:

Interesting discussion -- hope other topic readers aren't getting bored!

It's unlikely anyone is reading this Carl. It's a question answer forum and in my opinion topics are difficult to follow. I prefered the old forum format. A couple of years ago I was lead to believe this format was going to be supercede by something even better !

Anyway Carl, I posted the question and you were kind enough to respond. It's our discussion if they have nothing better to do than be bored reading that's their problem wouldn't you think ;)

Thanks Again






cpc000cpc wrote on 12/17/2012, 7:22 AM


I've revisited this using MEP 2013 -- what exactly did you mean by 'limited'?


The other issue I've had and posted about befoe is:

Although in timeline mode one can name chapter markers.

The number of characters for the are limited.

When you then switch to burning DVD menu mode you have only partial chapter name text.

Again in my opinion defeats the purpose of entering chapter marker names in timeline mode.

It's flawed, and reflects that Magix are developing and editing software that's going to be full of bits and pieces as more editions are released.


The names I tried are longer than my suggested 'Day at the beach' and they do (almost) flow through to the DVD menu:

The default tick limits the display to a single line but if removed a carriage return shows more of the text entered for a marker name. Yes, I've lost a few characters but you can add more here.

I suggest an upgrade to 2013!

