first of all I am truly dissapointed. You have no direct contact information available on magix main site. This is the only way I could find to reach you.
Today I wanted to start a new video project with _PAID_ application of Movie Studio Platinum 15 by Magix. However when I dragged audio to the project every single audio track did soud like a codec problem or some kind of speed walkthrough of the song (no, I did not speed them up, they were on regular speed).
So ok, the program does not seem to work I thought - I’ll just download it again and install fresh. Surfed to your magix main website, signed in, my products, installation program... BOOM "DB_Connect.inc not found". Ok seems like a server or mirror problem I thought - let’s just google for another mirror or some kinda server to get installation program. Well there seems to be no other official places to download the product. OH GREAT!
Is this how you treat your paid releases? Oh god if I was just as negligent as you are.. my clients would struggle downloading products that they paid for. This is just not acceptable. Fix your mirrors, test them AUTOMATICALLY every day, have a backup server and mirrors and please stop advertising your own products in a product I bought from you.
-Very dissapointed client