Not a lot of information to go on - please read this post , then come back with more details of how you are trying to transfer the video, the camera make and model, which version of MEP, and any other hardware you are using to do the transfer.
Hi John. Not had any problem with transfer from VHS, Digicam or other formats. However while I am able to preview the Hi8 with the video record (shortcut 'R') and using 'Video' selection, and although all sound and video reports ok in terms of previewing, the result is null.
Have tried both mxv and mpg formats available to as save output but when I begin to record, the file size indicator does not grow, the time code elapse, all seems well but when done with the procedure and 'ok' out of daughter, the 'empty file' error pops up and the file size is zero.
Using: Terratec G3 conversion box on ATI (visiontek) HD6850 card and plenty of space everywhere on Wdo'7 OS.