Movie edit pro 15-sound lags behind video els942 wrote on 11/23/2015, 8:34 PM When importing large files the sound doesn't match the words. Basically the voices are lagging. This takes forever to fix in a 2 hr video. Please help Back to post
Comments johnebaker wrote on 11/24/2015, 3:01 AM Hi . . . . Movie edit pro 15 . . . . Do you mean Movie Edit Pro 15 or 2015. If Movie Edit Pro 2015 please use the full name to avoid confusion with the older version. . . . . importing large files . . . What format are the files ? If MPG or VOB files - try right clicking them and selecting Create frametable (new) - note: do not do this on any other file format. You can use MediaInfo to analyse one of the files and post the results for the video and audio sections. What project settings are you using? John EB 1