MM2016live: Bugs?: Scrubber MouseMode and OnScreen keyboard 'pressure'

mindsong wrote on 6/24/2017, 1:08 AM


MM2016 live on W10, All MM and W10 updates, MM re-installed (again), fresh boot w empty new project:

Generally the program works as expected and seems 'healthy' in most ways - not too quirky here. Except:

A) 'scrubber' mouse mode (ctrl-9)

I drag any wave-based (not midi in this case) sound from the soundpool to an empty track in a default (?) 'new' project, go to 'scrubber' mouse mode (ctrl-9, or menu), and the scrubbing function icon changes to what it should be when the mouse is over the sound track object. The scrubber then usually works as I believe it should.

Now, I switch from the 'soundpools' tab to the 'keyboard' tab (doing nothing with it), and move the mouse back over the wave-sound object in the track, the icon changes as before but the scrubbing function now does nothing upon mouse clicking. At this point, what I consider to be the buggy behavior has been established. Nothing in the normal course of simple actions can re-enable the scrubbing behavior. I tried various mouse-modes, programs tabs, modes, etc. : no scrubbing anymore...

However... IF I then 'edit in external editor' that object/sound, doing nothing in that editor (quit without saving), and try the scrubber again... it scrubs as expected again. If I ever re-enable the keyboard tab or play notes, which I do a lot, and return to the scrubber, it does nothing again.

If I happen to start the program with the keyboard tab active (from the last program use/close), the scrubber never works at all until I do the above 'edit in external editor' trick.

Anyone else have the same or better luck? or have an easier workaround?


B) On-screen keyboard and midi 'pressure'

Most of the MMM2016 virtual instrument (e.g. vita2) control-panel keyboards respond to the mouse-click location on the instrument's control-panel keyboard with varied 'velocity' responses to the instruments, e.g. the vita2 ballad guitar has a cool slide effect when you click the lowest edge of the key. Sadly, these instrument-specific keyboards to not register as MIDI events and cannot be used to record those effects as MIDI events (as far as I can tell...).

Documentation indicates that the built-in MMM 2016 virtual keyboard should do the same (click location on the key effects the midi velocity event), but it does not in my case. All mouse-clicks anywhere on the keyboard keys result in the same mid-pressure MIDI event for the various (correct) keys - so it mostly works, just no velocity variation. Is this correct behavior, or have I missed a program setting, or is it a bug? or...?

Thanks for any insight you folks may lend. I can do a bug report, but I'd like to see if it's a bug for everyone before doing so...



(edited to add/clarify)


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