I know my software is really old, but I still feel like since I plopped $50 for it, I feel like it should work.
When I load the demo song "Escape", only the Audio Inst tracks play. The MIDI tracks do not. Is there an answer to this? Or a troubleshooting procedure I can step through?
Yes, all the MIDI I/O are assigned on each track. It used to work then one day quit working. I would like to see a checklist where I can check every setting from Windows XP SP3 Control Panel to msg6 application settings.
Hi Guitarzan8 I got the Magix Midi Studio g5 and since I got it has been working very well, I have never used audio because I dont know how to work with it but I will be glad to help you if I can. Also I have some questions that maybe you could help me to understand. Greetings.