midi editor

moguitarr wrote on 3/2/2015, 10:45 AM


I have a music maker mx premium version 18 and updated it today on the net

I have been trying to edit my music midi files. trying to lenghten or shorten them as required in the editing suite

but to no avail I am unable to lenghten or shorten the number of the origional Bars.

I do need them to remain as midi files.

any help would be much appreciated



diegoweb13 wrote on 3/2/2015, 1:58 PM

Hello, I did the tests and you can 'cutting shorten a midi file, but the total length of the music midi saved, even if you do not feel more' sound, remains as long as the original.


Hello Diego

Last changed by diegoweb13 on 3/2/2015, 1:58 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

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