Hi, I have a problem transferring (recording) movies on DV from a Canon Vixia HV40 (Full HD) to MEP MX Premium (latest download version - free trial). I am on PC with WIN 7 and a built in FireWire connection. When selecting:
Tasks > Recored video from DV camcorder, I get the following message: Could not connect to selected device.
The DV Recording pup-up window recognizes the camera though, it indicates under 1: Select DV device driver: Canon VIXIA HV40, but at the same time the error pop-up come sup as well: "Could not connect to selected device."
I followed the indications provided in the help file:
* I installed latest verison of Microsoft DirectX 9
* I unplugged all cables, switched off camcorder, then reconnected fire wire cable from camcorder to firewire of PC and only then switched camcorder on again. To no avail.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Stephan