MEP 15 pluDVD Menu Creation failure after patching to

gibsoncustom wrote on 9/24/2009, 11:41 AM
After patching MEP 15 plus with the latest update the program now fails to burn a DVD with the following lines in the log file:
24/09/2009 16:38:23.938:   Step 1 of 6, Encoding movie 1 ...
24/09/2009 16:39:29.567:   Step 1 done
24/09/2009 16:39:29.567:   Step 2 of 6, Encoding movie menu...
24/09/2009 16:39:30.051:   Step 2 done
24/09/2009 16:39:30.051:   ERROR: PrepareDVDVideoFiles() failed with errNo 13 - menu rendering failed
24/09/2009 16:39:30.051:   !!! DBK error in BurnProject: 46 - menu encoding failed !!!

It worked perfectly before the patch. Has anyone else had this problem since updating?


creezer wrote on 9/24/2009, 12:39 PM
i had the same problem and the support center told me to use the older version (i know that deinstallation makes no fun). thats the only way.
here the link:

have fun
Man o' Lakes wrote on 9/25/2009, 4:42 AM
Hi there. that solution would work, but perhaps a litte too hardcore? What can solve  this problem, at least in my case, was when the initial 'What do you want to do?´ appears, to click on the Options button and make sure that the box next to Create a new project folder is NOT ticked.  That did the trick.

Good luck M o' L
gibsoncustom wrote on 10/14/2009, 4:11 AM
Thanks for the replies Creezer and Man o'Lakes. I haven't had a chance to try them having been offline for a while. I'll try them at the weekend and let you know how it goes
Raould wrote on 10/30/2009, 3:45 PM
I have the same problem and i don't understand How gibsoncustom solve it.

How do you do to make a copy - paste of an old project to a new project ?

Thank you
psalmista2008 wrote on 2/4/2012, 8:05 AM

Hey guys, I know this is al old thread, but I overcame this problem by simply creating each movie on a separate magix project, then rendering or exporting them to a common format. On my example I used the VOB files the program created, then created a new project and made the DVD from there, from there it allowed me to burn menu. that was it. hope this helps.