Manage Files for VST Instruments/Plugins Supporting Acid Pro & MMM??

DanM. wrote on 2/10/2022, 11:14 PM


I own Acid Pro 10 Suite, version 10.0.5 and Music Maker Premium 2021, version

Acid Pro 10 Suite comes with quite a few VST Instruments and Plugins, Music Maker comes with a fair selection also.

I've noticed that MMM will load the VST instruments from Acid Pro, but not all, and even less of the plugins. I've also noticed that I have VST Instruments and Plugin files located in Program Files, Program Files (x86) and Documents. They seem to be all over the place. I have a newer HP PC Desktop system with 64 RAM, 2.5TB storage and core i7

QUESTION 1: File Management for Both Programs

If there is anyone on this forum who owns both of these programs who can explain to me in detail how to manage or properly move files so as to maximize their use in both Acid Pro 10 Suite and MMM Premium 2021, and without damaging the program or content in any way??

QUESTION 2: Magix Music Maker Problem After Patch Download

About 2 months ago, I saw an upgrade patch that was offered from inside my MMM. I followed the instructions and since then, my MMM has not worked right. I tried logging into my account t Magix so I could reinstall my purchased program, however, when I originally upgraded to MMM Premium, it was from an app inside my program, consequently, there is no serial number. I emailed support several times and they finally told me to login to my Magix account and then download the free version, which should trigger it to install my most recntly purchased MMM, including content. I need to either safely remove MMM from my PC without affecting my VST instruments and plugins, or find a way to upgrade to MMM Premium 2022 safely.

If any forum members can offer some good advice on these 2 items, I would greatly appreciate help.


SP. wrote on 2/11/2022, 3:35 AM


I've noticed that MMM will load the VST instruments from Acid Pro, but not all, and even less of the plugins.

Yes, because most plugins are not part of the program and Magix includes them for free as a bonus. But they are limited to the software they come with. If you want to use them in another program you need to buy the standalone versions.

Question 1: Don't move the files. Storing the plugins under Program Files and Program Files (x86) is normal for Magix software. All Magix softwares share these standard folders. The user settings are saved in the user folder under Documents which is a guidline by Microsoft.

Question 2: If you cannot log into your user account inside Music Maker try to open the program settings and click on the button to clean up the store.

DanM. wrote on 2/11/2022, 3:48 AM

Thanks SP, that helps me immensely.

I just completed the clean up store function and everything seems to be working properly and the program rebooted to.MMM Premium 2021.

The only thing I see that is different, is I can't change the "time" sequence located between the recording settings and the bar (4/4). The numbers in the time bar used to be a fillable field and appeared differently.

Also, do You happen to know if I upgrade to MMM Premium 2022, will all my previous and current content, VST's and Plugins remain the same?

Thanks Again

SP. wrote on 2/11/2022, 3:57 AM

@DanM. You are already using Music Maker 2022, just with the 2021 Premium features activated.

If you get the 2022 Premium Edition you are technically buying new features like the Song Maker AI and you are getting new coupons for instruments by Magix (not other developers!) and Soundpools. If you don't care for that, you don't need to get the new Premium Edition.

You can change the time settings by right clicking on the time ruler at the top of the audio tracks. Magix updated the transport control and the feature of changing the time settings is currently missing.

DanM. wrote on 2/11/2022, 4:05 AM

That great news, thank you! That saves me some time and money. It looks like everything is working well so far.

I have a friend who owns the same MMM version as I do, she's been having trouble installing the upgrade patch, is installing it beneficial?.

SP. wrote on 2/11/2022, 4:11 AM

@DanM. If I remember it correctly the current patch requires to uninstall and reinstall Music Maker. There were probably changed a lot things, especially Song Maker AI, and that is why it's needed. If there are problems with the update I would suggest to disable the firewall/antivirus software/Windows Defender temporarily. Sometimes these programs are just deleting files if the falsely suspect a security risk.

DanM. wrote on 2/11/2022, 4:21 AM

Thanks for all your help and information, enjoy the weekend